

Nov 13, 2023

Biden Administration’s proposed building materials rules increase domestic requirements

At least 75% of the value of the product's component would have to be made in the U.S., according to the Biden Administration's proposal.

The Biden Administration's proposal on building materials rules used on federal construction and federally funded state and local buildings would significantly boost the made-in-America mandate.

In the past, products could qualify as domestically made if at least 55% of the value of their components were from the U.S. The administration intends to increase the percentage of value in stages from 55% to 60%, and then to 75%.

Implementing these rules will add complexity to sourcing materials for projects receiving federal funding. For example, a mix between U.S. and Canadian dimensional lumber for a project probably wouldn't be allowed if the Canadian wood was processed outside the U.S. But domestically manufactured lumber made from Canadian logs would likely be acceptable.

The domestic mandate has raised concerns from construction industry groups. The National Association of Home Builders has urged exemptions for single-family and multifamily affordable housing projects. Kojo, a firm that makes materials management software for contractors, says that restricting the supply base to American-made is likely going to burden contractors who are already having difficulty sourcing materials at reasonable costs.

According to the Biden Administration, the proposed rule directs the following changes to strengthen Buy American requirements:

Learn more about the Buy American Rule at

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is expected to soon sign a bill that would change the state's commercial building code so that new structures would use 80% less energy when compared to a 2004 baseline standard. The legislation aims for full implementation of the new code by 2036.

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Phius certifications are expected to become more common as states and cities boost green building standards. The City of Boston recently adopted Massachusetts's so-called opt-in building code, a set of sustainability standards that goes beyond the standard state code.

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Sixteen years out from a 2007 law that aimed to end the use of fossil fuels in federal buildings, gas heat is still being installed within the federal sphere.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is expected to soon sign a bill that would change the state's commercial building code so that new structures would use 80% less energy when compared to a 2004 baseline standard. The legislation aims for full implementation of the new code by 2036.

A recent Supreme Court decision that substantially narrowed the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate millions of acres of wetlands is expected to open more land for development. More than half of the nation's wetlands could lose protection under the Clean Water Act, according to environmentalists and legal analysts.

What makes a city walkable? Shepley Bulfinch's Omar Bailey, AIA, LEED AP, NOMA, believes pedestrian focused cities benefit most when they're not only easy to navigate, but also create spaces where people can live, work, and play.

Phius certifications are expected to become more common as states and cities boost green building standards. The City of Boston recently adopted Massachusetts's so-called opt-in building code, a set of sustainability standards that goes beyond the standard state code.

"Make Buy American Real" and close loopholes by raising the domestic content threshold. Strengthens domestic supply chains for critical goods with new price preferences. Increases transparency and accountability in Buy American rules.