

Nov 03, 2023

Ollie Block Theme Now in Public Beta

When Array was acquired by WPEngine, I did not want to continue my license with Array. Not because of Mike, but because WPEngine modified my WordPress database without my knowledge nor authorization (that's another story in itself). Anyways, Mike quickly refunded my money, and I was very satisfied with my Array Themes ending.

Mike is a wonderful theme developer as his Array themes were polished, complete, error-free and did not require a lot of custom css to fix obvious design errors (unlike most other theme houses including Genesis at the time). Some of his Array theme websites are still going strong to this day. So,I am very happy to see that Mike has picked up theme development again.

If he decides to monetize his new block theme(s), you all can rest assured, Mike is an honest businessman. Good luck Mike and we’ll keep an eye out for your work!