

Dec 18, 2023

Zipping Around Manhattan On The Fun And Easy


It took me all of sixty seconds to realize that NIU's NQi GTS is a sweet little kitten of an electric scooter complete with a darling sing-song chime when you use the directional. It ought to come with a half-dozen pink frosted cupcakes in the rear hatch.

2022 NQi GTS

This conclusion came after traveling south from Yonkers, New York, on the mean Saw Mill Parkway to the no-nonsense West Side Highway and into New York City a little after rush hour, which is rather like sending a ferret to travel in the same direction as a herd of elephants. No quarter was given by any vehicle to the man who had his scooter in the SPORT mode – its fastest setting – and who kept to the extreme right of traffic at all times.


The fastest I ever got it up to was 50 MPH, and that was with the throttle twisted to its absolute max, which I didn't mind at all as I tend to use two speeds: "Stop" and "Fast."

Though no one seemed to hear my directional chime, neither did anyone tap me into the Hudson with a flick of the steering wheel, nor did any of my friends say "Where's my pizza?" when I pulled up as they did with a test Vespa awhile back.

2022 NQi GTS

The NQi GTS is powered by a healthy, silent 3.5kw motor with a claimed top speed of 50 mph, which I reached as stated above.

Your juice arrives via two fourth generation NIU lithium 60 volt batteries. Range, of course, is dictated by your riding style and the weather. (Cold reduces the power of electrics.) There isn't any fast-charging option, but since the batteries can easily be removed and charged indoors, you can find an outlet and do the deed while you work or attend a gathering or sit at a coffee shop.

2022 NQi GTS

The NQi GTS arrives with three rider modes: E-Save, Dynamic, and Sport. E-Save, of course, gives you a better range but limits speed to around 28 MPH – not a problem in most cities. Dynamic limits your speed to about 47mph, and Sport delivers the maximum buzz.

Takeoff's where the fun lies. Your starter's on your fob, and pressing it on or off produces a charming "blippity-bloop" sound. It's simple as can be to get going - you just twist that throttle and weeee! Off with you. Changing modes requires a mere flick of a thumb. More batteries, too, can be purchased and charged, to leave at the ready when you need them.

2022 NQi GTS and the Three Stooges, Harlem

It's a comfortable ride, the steering's tight and the brakes are tip-top. It's also light as a feather, comparatively, at 250.8 pounds. Pricing is $5,000 plus whatever tax your state requires.

For those with range anxiety (hand raised) there's a "percentage remaining" indicator on the left side of the gauges, your speedometer in the middle, and the time and trip distance on your right. You cannot increase or decrease your speed once you set the cruise control, but that it exists at all is a very nice touch.

NQi GTS instrument panel (METRIC - in the USA, it's MPH, et.)

For those who want to sync their phone, a Bluetooth connectivity feature will allow you to see the range, modes or have a look at the pressure in your tires. An available storage compartment is tiny, without enough room for a full-sized helmet, but it's nice to have anyway, and it’ll hold your milk, eggs, coffee or orange juice.

2022 NQi GTS Compartment

The NQi GTS made for a delightful week's test on the West Side of Harlem, weaving in and out of traffic, dashing around potholes, and all without any gas fumes or sounds of an "engine." One feels immediately connected to the future on the NQi, when congestion pricing and its resultant further swelling of the subway mob forces hordes to buy and ride scooters. It's of the most practical, well-designed and good-looking scooters of the year, electric or otherwise.